Root Canal Treatment

10 Jan 2023

Root Canal Treatment

A Tooth is made up of three layers, namely, enamel, dentin and pulp. Enamel is the most outer, white hard layer and pulp is the most inner, soft tissue layer which contains blood vessels and nerves of tooth. When a tooth gets decayed, and if left untreated the infection spreads from enamel through dentin to pulp causing injury to the nerve and blood supply of the tooth, which results in sensitivity to hot and cold or pain of tooth. This infection can also spread through root canal system of tooth leading to an abcess.

So root canal treatment will help in relieving pain in order to save the tooth by removing the pulp and the decay.  The resulting space is filled with special, medicated dental materials. It allows the natural tooth to be retained for its healthy function and esthetics and prevents the removal of a tooth and resulting problem of toothlessness.

Root canal treatment can be done in one or more visits depending  upon the tooth condition. An uncomplicated root canal treatment often can be completed in one visit. Once the RCT is finished, a crown or routinely known as cap on it is a must to prevent the tooth from breaking in the future.

A root canal procedure is like a rescue mission for a tooth that’s in trouble. It’s done to save a tooth that’s infected or decayed deep inside.

Here’s what happens during a root canal:

Diagnosis: First, your dentist will check your tooth and take X-rays to see if the pulp inside (the soft tissue that contains nerves and blood vessels) is infected or damaged.

Cleaning: During the procedure, your dentist will numb the area around the tooth to make sure you’re comfortable. Then, they’ll create a tiny hole in the tooth and remove the infected or damaged pulp using special tools.

Filling: Once the pulp is removed, the space inside the tooth is cleaned and disinfected. Then, your dentist will fill the space with a material called gutta-percha to seal it and prevent further infection.

Sealing: Finally, your dentist will seal the opening in the tooth with a filling or crown to protect it and restore its strength and function.

A root canal may sound scary, but it’s actually a very common and effective procedure that can save your tooth and relieve pain. If you’re experiencing toothache or sensitivity, don’t wait—consult with your dentist to see if a root canal is the right treatment for you.