Instructions After Tooth Removal

18 Jun 2015

Instructions After Tooth Removal


  • Remove the cotton pellet from your mouth after 30 minutes.
  • Eat a plain vanilla ice-cream (there should be no nuts or any other filling in it) immediately after that, the ice-cream should touch the area from where your teeth has been removed. If you are a diabetic you can eat a soft chilled fruit or chilled milk. Take the prescribed medicines as per instructions of your dentist.
  • Do not gargle forcefully for 2 – 3 days.
  • Do not eat any hot/ hard/ spicy food for 24 hours.
  • Do not try to check the extraction site by your tongue or your finger, as it may cause infection.
  • It is essential to keep the area clean form where the tooth has been removed.
  • The effect of the anaesthetic injection will wear off in a few hours. Take care to prevent cheek/ lip biting during this time. You may experience normal post operative discomfort for a few days after tooth removal.
  • If the tooth has been removed surgically, you may experience a mild swelling which will subside in 2-3 days.
  • If there are stitches, please visit the dentist to get them removed after 7 days.

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